personal training

We offer more than just a workout; we provide an immersive fitness experience. Learn the art of boxing while transforming your body and mind. 

Our Personal Training Program offers you the unique opportunity to be coached by real professional coaches, boxers and amateur champions, providing an authentic and personalized boxing experience tailored just for you. Our trainers bring a passion for both boxing and fitness, ensuring that every session is not only effective but also enjoyable. We blend the sweet science of boxing with the art of fitness to offer a program that caters to both aspiring fighters and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Dive into the world of boxing with a comprehensive training regimen. Our program includes mitt work, sparring, bag work, and specialized training to prepare you for the ring and get you in the best shape of your life. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fighter, our trainers will tailor the sessions to meet your individual needs. We are here to help you achieve your goals, whether you're aiming for the ring or simply striving for a healthier lifestyle.

No experience? No problem. Embrace the challenge of mastering real boxing skills while achieving your fitness goals. Our program caters to those seeking to learn the art of self-defense while providing a dynamic and engaging workout that keeps you motivated and excited to train. It's not just about hitting the bags; it's about learning to fight. Our Personal Training Program focuses on practical, real-world boxing skills, ensuring that you not only look like a fighter but can step into the ring with confidence and skill.

Dreaming of stepping into the ring but unsure if you’re ready? Our Personal Training Program is the perfect stepping stone. With a focus on fight preparation, you'll gain the skills, confidence, and conditioning needed to enter the ring with the heart of a true prize fighter or use the training to elevate your fitness journey to new heights.

We get it – life can be hectic. Our personalized approach means that you get the benefits of authentic boxing training without compromising your busy schedule. We work with you to create a training plan that fits seamlessly into your life, making it easier than ever to pursue your passion for boxing.

We are committed to providing the most authentic experience of training like a real prize fighter. It's not just about working out; it's about learning the art and science of boxing from those who've lived it. From the ring to the gym, you'll immerse yourself in the world of boxing, mastering the techniques and strategies that define a champion.


Fight Team


Young Champions